Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The Fun of Mac Hunting on a Tight Budget
In tougher economic times, the price of the more expensive Apple technology becomes a bit of an issue. If you're somewhat stretched but still need …(read more)
Apple, Don’t Join the Netbook Fad
Are netbook computers a fad that Apple would do best to avoid? Netbook computers are selling by the truckload. For travelers who want a light …(read more)
10 Ways to Stay within an iTunes Store Budget
Purchasing songs on the iTunes Store is a good thing for Apple and people in the music industry. But 99 cents for a song or …(read more)
What if Windows 7 is Actually Half-Decent?
I read with interest an article on Windows 7 and how Microsoft may actually be listening properly to users. You read it and see hope …(read more)
The iPhone is the New Mac….For Now
I was in an ATT store yesterday browsing at some of the other smartphones when I overheard an interesting interaction between the salesman and a …(read more)
Apple Low End Laptop? Call Me Back When You Sober Up
There are some go to Mac articles but the all time favorite seems to be: Macs cost too much, if Apple ever really wants to …(read more)
Microsoft is Right About the Cost of Macs
There are apologists galore on both sides of this argument. The problem with Microsoft vs. Apple arguments is that they are too often emotional. There …(read more)
iPhone: It’s not the Keyboard, It’s the Screen Size
All this talk about virtual vs physical keyboards on smart phones is nonsense. The virtual is better overall, except for one significant factor: screen real …(read more)
Apple and Microsoft: Are they really Playing the same Game?
It looks like Microsoft is serious about going after the Mac. And why not? Apple sold 3.5 billion dollars worth of Macs! That is just …(read more)
Macs: Round Pegs in Square Holes
The new trend in the PC world to make PCs appear better than Macs is to spec the PCs such that the Mac can't be …(read more)
Giving Microsoft Bad Ideas
Doh! I feel so responsible. Or is that irresponsible? Did my article about not being able to afford Macs when on a budget inspire Microsoft's …(read more)
Will Microsoft’s new Ad Anger PC Makers?
If you haven't seen Microsoft's latest ad consider yourself lucky, it isn't a very good piece of work. You're treated to someone shopping for a …(read more)