Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Netbook Dissatisfaction Opens the Way for the Rise of the iPhone and MacBook Pro
Two interesting stats this week point to a decline in the netbook and the continual rise of the iPhone. The future looks ultra - that …(read more)
Proof That Macs Hold Their Value
You've all heard that Apple computers retain their value better than PCs. How would you feel if you bought a four year old iBook five …(read more)
iTalk vs. Voice Memo
All of us iPhone and iPod touch users are without doubt elated by this week's 3.0 operating system update for both devices. I for one …(read more)
Should Steve Tweet? Thoughts on Apple and Social Media
I just came back from a Twitter conference and as is typical at most web 2.0 conferences the Mac dominated. Now, you may think, Apple …(read more)
Is Snow Leopard a Bargain at Twice the Price?
I don't know if anyone will read this today as you're probably all off playing with your shiny new iPhone 3.0 updates. I know I …(read more)
Want to Understand the iPhone Updates? Look at the Mac
Some folks out there are upset with the iPhone updates. Where is the video iChat they ask? What about the rumored OLED screen? And let's …(read more)
WWDC: Christmas in June
Woohoo! WWDC provided almost everything we'd hoped for or rumored. Unlike many WWDC keynotes of the past, it was chock full of good value. No …(read more)
iPhone Love Costs big money
When the original iPhone came out, you remember the model with the awesome looking silver back, the two most common complaints were the network and …(read more)
Apple: A History of Game-Changers
Not too long after you read this, the WWDC keynote will have been done and dusted. WWDC is all about developers and doesn't have much …(read more)
Snow Leopard and Windows 7: Two Flavors of the Same GUI
It used to be that the Mac was different. Nothing like it, in commercial form, existed before it did for a few years it was …(read more)
iPhone nano and New Macbooks - Two Certainties for WWDC 2009?
Well, less than a week to go and the rumors have been flying. We know that there will an announcement of iPhone 3.0, but there's …(read more)
15 Inch -The Missing MacBook
Lately I've been investigating laptops, including non-Apple ones. One thing I noticed among the Windows versions is 15" laptops are the cheapest. So it got …(read more)