Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Three Wished for Features to Make the iPhone Even Better
The iPhone is a brilliant device but could, undoubtedly, still be improved upon. Wouldn't it be nice if you could control un-mute it at scheduled …(read more)
How to Quickly Email Yourself Using Snow Leopard’s Automator Services Menu
Apple rarely says anything about its application, Automator, in media events, let alone commercials. Sure, it's not as sexy as the iPhone or as intuitive …(read more)
Musings about Snow Leopard, Safari, and iTunes
When it comes to Apple, there's always something to write about. Its Michael Jackson-popularity is so grand that I keep looking for Steve Jobs …(read more)
Accurately Predict September 9th, Win a Speck CandyShell Case and Apple Matters’ Interview
With Apple's much anticipated Press Event just over a week away, the technorati are bending over backwards for a scoop of what Apple has in …(read more)
5 Reasons Why OS X Still Beats Windows
I've had an opportunity to use both OS X and Windows 7 extensively. (I had access to earlier builds of Snow Leopard). The bad news, …(read more)
What’s in a Name: Snow Leopard Examined
Now 7 wild cats have been unleashed on the Apple public and still, no one knows for sure where these once internal code names originated: …(read more)
Don’t Expect Anything but Incremental Improvements from Snow Leopard
Those of you hoping for some last minute big feature in Snow Leopard that Apple has somehow kept hidden from the world until now can …(read more)
Three Top Games for the iPhone and iPod Touch
The iPhone/iPod touch is becoming a very, very popular gaming platform for casual gamers. Its main benefits are that games are cheap, it is always …(read more)
Apple’s Steve Jobs Directing the New Tablet
Since returning to Apple in late June, Steve Jobs has been spending a great deal of time and energy on a new tablet device, reports …(read more)
Why Apple Shouldn’t Ignore the Enterprise
This isn't going to be one of those Apple-will-die-if-it-doesn't-sell-computers-to-the-enterprise-pieces. Apple is doing just fine, thank you very much, by focussing on the consumer market. The …(read more)
Upgrading Your MacBook Pro’s Hard Drive the Super Duper Easy Way
Last week I upgraded my new MacBook Pro's hard drive, and using ShirtFront Pocket's SuperDuper! made it dead simple. Background As any of you …(read more)
Does the Apple Tablet = the iPad?
Rumors abound regarding the Apple Tablet, with everyone trying to guess when/if/how it will appear. According to Borders booksellers has sent out an email …(read more)