Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
MacBook Pro: Warts and All
The MacBook Pro is a beautiful machine, but do Steve Jobs and Co. actually use it for anything more than checking email at their desks? …(read more)
10 Dumbest iPhone Apps Ever
1. Shake Your Booty by Visionaire Design ($.99) is so feeble it prompted the Wall Street Journal blogger Maureen Scarpelli to report on the blogosphere's …(read more)
Jason Calacanis is Wrong: Part 1 of 5
For those of you who haven't heard of him, Jason Calacanis is the serial entrepreneur responsible for Weblogs Inc. (and therefore TUAW, a wonderful apple …(read more)
Aren’t Apple and Google Friends Anymore?
This week saw a couple of interesting announcements that might allude to Google and Apple not being such buddies anymore.First off was Apple rejecting the …(read more)
Of iPhones and MacBook Pros
Recently I was holidaying and it gave me a good chance to measure up the iPhone and the MacBook Pro. Again the iPhone proved to …(read more)
The Case for the iPhone Duo Dock
Many of us in the Apple universe, and many of the writers on Apple Matters have been somewhat (ok, totally) obsessed with the notion of …(read more)
Is it Already Too Late for the iPhone Wannabes?
Is it possible that it's already too late for all the iPhone wannabes and that the iPhone has become the defacto standard for ultra-smart phones, …(read more)
Is There a Place for a Netbook in the Apple Lineup?
Would you rather a netbook or an iPhone? What if I complicated the question and said the netbook was from Apple?I'm yet to meet anyone …(read more)
Google and Microsoft Announcements Suggest a Thin Client Future
On June 14, 2005, I wrote an article proposing over a future filled with thin client technology. Reader response was negative, generally suggesting thin-client would …(read more)
Google Chrome OS Could Be The Mac Steve Always Wanted to Release
Google's unsurprising announcement that it is releasing a light-weight operating system has played out in the media as Google declaring war on Microsoft. This is …(read more)
Google OS Poses Double Whammy Threat to Microsoft
About this time I should have already posted today's piece, Google made a surprise, albeit long rumored, announcement it is developing a desktop operating system and …(read more)
Mac 2.0 or How Apple Could Win the Desktop Wars
With the original Mac, the iPod and the iPhone, Apple did the same thing; introduce a product that was leaps and bounds ahead of anything …(read more)