Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Why the iPhone Can’t Be Beat
It was Halloween. The doorbell rang. You saw zombies, Elvises and pregnant nuns. You also saw you share of crappy costumes bought at the local …(read more)
Apple’s Quality Control Is Overloaded
There is no doubt that Apple is a successful company. I've seen more Macs and iPhones in my university campus than ever before—Apple has cornered …(read more)
What Happened to the Apple-Bandai Pippin?
Video games already are one of the largest entertainment markets out there. Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony have controlled the market for the last two decades. …(read more)
What the i Can Tell You about Apple
Louis François I de Bourbon, Prince de Conti was fond of the number twelve. How fond? The rumor is that he owned twelve guns and …(read more)
Why It’s Okay to Loathe the iPhone
If you own stock in Apple the iPhone is all good: a wildly popular product, a consistent revenue stream, a grabber of headlines, and the …(read more)
Verizon, Is That the Best You Can Do?
When you see someone with a Blackberry Storm you're seeing a person who is willing to pay a price, a premium price, for something that …(read more)
Microsoft: Irrelevancy Comes from Mobility
It doesn't take too much searching to find an article that opines today is the end of Microsoft. Everyone secretly believes they live in the …(read more)
John Sculley versus Steve Jobs: A Study in Timing
There are rumors that new Macs are coming out as early as today. New Macs? That used to be a reason for breathless anticipation, wild …(read more)
The Verizon iPhone: Distant Dream or Near Term Reality?
If you live fifty miles from the nearest cell phone tower but love your iPhone, AT&T has good news for you. Soon you'll be able …(read more)
Take iTunes to the Cloud
During last week's Rock and Roll event, Steve Jobs proudly proclaimed the iTunes Music Store as the number one music retailer in world, with over …(read more)
A Ten-Inch iPhone? Apple Knows Better
What's the worst kept Silicon Valley secret since the Apple switched from PowerPC chips to Intel? It has to be the Apple tablet. Everyone is …(read more)
Apple TV, LP Format, and Yes the Tablet
With Steve back, all kinds of things are changing at Apple, to what end we can only speculate. On Sunday night, the company cut the …(read more)