Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
How Will You Interact with the Apple Tablet?
If you were following Apple back in the days leading up to the switch to Intel, you may remember that by the time WWDC rolled …(read more)
The Mouse Will Be Dead by 2019
Hear it from Apple Matters first. By the end of this decade, the mouse will go the way of the floppy disk and VHS tapes.This …(read more)
A Few Great Safari Extensions
Here are a few free browser extensions and bookmarklets that make the experience of browsing the Web and reading on a screen a tiny bit …(read more)
Automate More with QuicKeys 4.0
If you look back through the articles I’ve written for AppleMatters, you will see that one of my favorite topics is computer automation. Automation is …(read more)
In Appreciation of the Griffin PowerMate
I haven't thought twice about my decision not to purchase a Magic Mouse, thanks to the Griffin PowerMate. A smooth metal knob with blue LEDS …(read more)
AT&T Screwing Up the Ad War
You might have noticed the advertising war going on between AT&T and Verizon. Verizon's argument seems to be that its network is way better. AT&T …(read more)
10 Apple Predictions for 2010
The end of the year is the perfect time to spout ten, rock solid, take it to the bank, predictions for the upcoming year. Well, …(read more)
Time for Apple to Make a TV
Before the Apple TV showed up there were rumors that Apple would make an actual TV, you know, with a screen and everything. That didn't …(read more)
I Dream of Tablet, Part Four: HD Video And Multimedia
As I noted in Part Two of this series, iTunes LPs and iTunes Extras seemed to be tailor-made specifically for a hypothetical device like this: …(read more)
I Dream of Tablet, Part Three: Print Design Done Apple
For the past decade, Apple's been in the business of revolutionizing the way media is sold—first with music, then with movies and TV shows, then …(read more)
AT&T Is to Blame for iPhone’s Selling Methods
I’ve always wondered why the iPhone just doesn’t sell like the iPod: sell it to anyone and everyone who is willing to pay the cash, …(read more)
Flash on the iPhone? Not Exactly.
The Flash gaming community has always felt like a portrait of cognitive dissonance. On one side, you have pioneering developers like Adam Atomic, who work …(read more)