Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
I Dream of Tablet, Part Two: App Store Ecosystem
If the folks at Apple are really developing a tablet computer based on the iPhone OS, they're going to have to jump some significant obstacles …(read more)
From My Mouth to Apple’s Ear
Back in September, I wrote an article which called for Apple to “Take iTunes to the Cloud.” Four months earlier, I wrote a related piece …(read more)
Apple Not Innovative? Are You Kidding?
Here and there, you'll run across someone steadfastly maintaining that Apple isn't really an innovative company. They'll point out that Apple didn't invent the GUI …(read more)
I Dream of Tablet, Part One: Display Technology
Devices like the Kindle and the upcoming Nook have made a point of using e-ink displays, and if Apple's making a tablet-style device it's going …(read more)
Counterpoint: Chrome OS Is Exactly Where Apple’s Headed
I really enjoyed Albert's article yesterday and wanted to write a rebuttal, since I agree with him on many points, but came to some different …(read more)
Chrome OS Is No Threat to Apple for Now
In a keynote address, Google recently unveiled its operating system, Chrome OS. Relying heavily on the Google Chrome browser (which still has not arrived on …(read more)
Lack of Macworld Fuels Apple’s Holiday Sales
Ever since Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, Apple has introduced its largest and best-selling products in January from the iMac to the iPod …(read more)
How many OSes Can Cell Phone Users Stand?
You are used to the computing landscape. You've got OS X, Windows and Linux, and are a few more OSes out there for the technologically …(read more)
iTunes Giftcards Could Benefit from a Little More Flexibility
You can tell that we've moved from the Halloween to Christmas shopping season as soon as the $29.99 animatronic skeleton that sings a horrible version …(read more)
Steve Jobs’ 5 Biggest Mistakes
Steve Jobs was recently named Fortune's CEO of the decade. The choice seemed obvious, Steve worked a lot of magic with Apple turning a company …(read more)
The Argument for the Pippin Continued.
I've gotten some good comments regarding the feasibility and profitability of Apple creating a modern version of the Apple-Bandai Pippin. Firstly, I would like to …(read more)
The DROID vs. the iPhone: It’s in the Advertising
Someday, there will be a time when our way of life causes our destruction. There could be a physical attack on the fiber-optic and phone …(read more)