Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Will Apple’s Mac mini and iMac Pricing Mean More Hackintoshes?
How many other people took a look at the price tag for the new Mac mini and thought "Hackintosh time!"?Many folks, myself included, have been …(read more)
What Do You Want out of New Macs?
There are rumors flying around the web that today is the day new Macs roll out. The rumors point to a sweeping update for every …(read more)
Could Apple Be As Ruthless Without Steve?
Steve Jobs' most defining trait is probably his ruthlessness on technology and willingness to can it before its end-of-life. This ruthlessness is a major factor …(read more)
If Privacy Is so Important Why Does Everyone Give It Up?
Some things you know are stupid. Smoking 8 packs of cigarettes a day, playing stroke the box jellyfish, eating the world's hottest pepper and so …(read more)
Occasionally I Remember That Microsoft Still Exists
At work I use Linux exclusively, at home I use Mac and this arangement suits me just fine. I've written on here before about how …(read more)
The next iPhone finally revealed
You've seen the rumored pics, you've seen the professional photoshop jobs of what the next iPhone should look like. But you haven't gotten the real …(read more)
Will iPhone’s Features or Lack of Features Decide its Future?
The iPhone is an interesting device, loved for what it does do, and yet (by some) loathed for what it doesn't do. Will the latter …(read more)
The Apple Netbook Part 2: Doing the Unmentionable, Buying a PC
This is Part 2 in my series to get an Apple netbook running for under $500. Please see Part 1 for my logic and reasoning …(read more)
My Experiences Buying Another Cell Phone
I just bought a new cell phone for my wife and in the process got a free phone (ya for free!) for myself courtesy of …(read more)
What Disaster Will It Take For Corporations to Seriously Consider Macs?
You know, I do believe in Santa Claus. After all, every Christmas morning he's left prezzies for my kids. Whether he's a jolly old fellow …(read more)
Apple Neglecting the Mac?
Remember Macworld and all the disappointment that followed? No new mini, no new Mac Pro no new Apple TV. All you really got from on …(read more)
Reliving the Glory Days of the Oregon Trail
Some of you out there will know exactly what I'm refering to when I say "You have died of dysentery". Oh, how the memories come …(read more)